Welcome To Santa Cruz Answering Service

The Friendliest Voices in Town

As your virtual receptionist, Santa Cruz Answering Service never forgets that to the caller… we are you!

If we are responsive, professional, friendly and helpful, then the caller attributes all those same qualities to you. Anything less means the caller is less than impressed with you and your business. It’s basic human nature. And it’s our job to make sure it never happens.

Because we do our job so well, you the client can feel comfortable teeing it up with your favorite foursome on a weekday afternoon. Going on vacation. Being out of the office for whatever reason. Knowing you will never miss an important call, and that every call will be handled in the most friendly and professional manner possible. And not just 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday, but 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

But don’t just take our word for it. Give us a call and see if you qualify for a two week free trial*
* Some restrictions apply.

Industry Specific

Santa Cruz Answering Service takes pride in our ability to offer customized services to meet the unique requirements of a wide variety of industries. We answer for a large portion of hospitals and other healthcare providers in our market, for example. In fact, we are the only HIPAA Certified answering service in Santa Cruz County.A growing list of property management firms also depend on us for our ability to handle after hours calls as instructed by each individual firm in the most professional and effective manner possible.

We are also knowledgeable in the specific needs of those in the tech industry, such as software developers and small startup companies. Local construction companies, engineering firms and janitorial companies find our services to be invaluable. Many of our clients rely on us because we are bilingual.


Award Winning

For nine consecutive years, Santa Cruz Answering Service has earned the most prestigious and sought after award in the answering service industry: The ATSI Award of Excellence. And in 2013, we were honored with the coveted Ruby Award of Excellence, placing us in the top 10 out of over 170 answering services nationwide and Canada. We were also honored with the highly sought after “Top Call” award, which we received for having the best call out of over 1700 calls made during the testing period. Think of this award as the Academy Awards for Answering Services. The winner has to have an average call score over 80%. The criteria includes: Saying a client’s name twice during the conversation. Filling out all of the requested information client asks for. Confirming the spelling of the caller’s last name and phone number. Using please and thank you at least twice during the conversation. Sounding engaged with the caller and no use of any slang. Letting the caller know what will happen with their message (email, fax, page, call). Above all, the winner of the award needs to sound professional, friendly, and engaged.

Play Top Call


  1. ATSI Top Call
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Technology & Training

Our operators are empowered by the leading edge technology of the Amtelco system, designed specifically for answering services. When the system delivers a call to an operator, the answer phase and client screen for the account are automatically displayed. Operators can take a message, provide information, or try to reach one or more people on the account. Client scripts and the message forms are completely customizable allowing our operators to work calls the way you want them to be worked.

The training our operators receive using this system is intensive. Qualified trainees receive two to three months of intense training with a heavy emphasis on personalized coaching and mentoring.


Where You Can Find Us

Santa Cruz Answering Service
5300 Soquel Ave, Suite 105.
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

tel: 831-429-7575
email: info@santacruzanswering.com


February 2025

Santa Cruz Answering

Santa Cruz Answering Service